AM and PM Routines are an Important Part of Your Day!

Jen Shutte
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

In my experience, it is extremely beneficial to have a daily morning routine, right upon awakening, as well as a nightly routine, to help settle in to the evening.
A morning routine that is energizing, that gives purpose, alertness and clarity, and welcomes the new day to feel hopeful, refreshing and inspiring, while the evening routine helps to relax, settle mind and body and be quiet in the peace that is well-deserved.

I don’t go a single day without this AM and PM routine. There may be days when I have an abbreviated amount of time dedicated to it,
perhaps if I’m a little short on time, or out of town, but I truly am faithful in taking this time for myself every day, as it truly sets my mood and focus.

I typically wake up an hour and 20 minutes before I get started with any formality to my day.
I begin with core stretches and yoga and deep breathing, say some affirmations to set the intention for my day, take a short walk, have my shower, do a few more stretches and sun salutations, eat, and then I am ready to begin my day of work, or whatever else it is that I have planned.
It took years to perfect what was just right for me; and even now, I sometimes tweak things here and there, by adding a new stretch or breathing exercise.
I have found what works for me. This…



Jen Shutte

I am a health/nutrition/life coach, and am passionate about wellness- mind/body/spirit. The more balanced we are, the more enjoyable life is!